

Friday 15 July 2016

Community schools being promoted in Glasgow

"Marinieves Alba, Community School Director, New York, [spoke]  at the 29th International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement in Glasgow in 2016."

"We`re part of a national movement... an international movement... We`ve had the pleasure of working with and training colleagues in the Netherlands, Scotland, across the UK, Barbados, countries across the world that are essentially tailoring and designing their own models of what will work in their respective communities."

"Community schools are both a place and a set of partnerships between the school and other community resources.... In the case of the Mirabal Sisters Campus, we have a full service medical clinic. Twelve hundred of the 1600 kids in our school receive primary medical care within our school building. They come for vaccinations, gynaecological care, sick visits and essentially anything that they could possibly need in the realm of medical care."

[Now why would children require gynaecological care at school? Is she talking about contraception, abortion.. what ?]

As a way of explaining the wraparound services, she says: "But as children, in order to design our dreams, we actually have to come to the table with our bodies, our minds and our spirits intact. How we do that is by coming essentially wrapped in the love and in the support of the adults that guide and nurture us."

So a community school is a place that helps children bring their bodies, minds and spirits intact to the table, if you can believe that.

As well as serving children`s practical needs: such as dental care, mental health care, diagnostics and assessments, she believes there is a place for the intangibles.

A clue to what the intangibles are could be revealed in her art work.
"`In Her Own Light` is a tribute to this - the Sacred Feminine, Daughters. Warriors. Lovers. Mothers. Cultivators. Artists. Sisters. Witches. Beautiful points of light in the Universe`s crown." 

I can`t help wondering about the mind altering substance she might have been taking at the time of writing that.

Community schools are characterised by extended services and extended hours. It`s the Soviet Russian model that people like Anita Hoge, Robin Eubanks, Charlotte Iserbyt and others have been drawing attention to: it`s state control of children via the third sector, centred around the school; and it slots in nicely with the Named Person scheme.

Marinieves, who completed a Master of Public Administration in NGO Management, has some powerful backers. For instance, she has received honours from the OSI Community Fellowship of the Soros Foundation.

Enough said.

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