

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Mickey Summers confronts Nott'm City Council about Child Rape Scandals

Video unavailable. Updated here

Let them protest while they may.

A future Conservative government would seek new powers to ban extremist groups and curb the activities of "harmful" individuals, Theresa May has said...At the moment, organisations can only be banned if there is evidence of links to terrorism.

Under the Tories' new proposals, groups that cannot currently be proscribed could be subject to banning orders should ministers "reasonably believe" that they intend to incite religious or racial hatred, to threaten democracy or if there is a pressing need to protect the public from harm, either from a risk of violence, public disorder, harassment or other criminal acts.

[Well that should cover just about everything that can be `reasonably believed.`]

Researching Reform has come to believe that our child welfare system is manned by profoundly sick people. I think she is being a bit generous, but a good article.

Melanie Shaw held in Peterborough Prison on remand,
child abuse survivor who was in care at Beechwood

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